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Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21)




Can you talk a little bit more about the aortic size, which you mentioned before and you said it's different, different number based on the person's bigger or smaller, so it's so, if you're saying 55 centimeters is that how does that compare for the larger person, for the smaller person? What are you looking for?



Yeah, so what we're looking for is essentially the size of the aorta in the segment we're interested in and but also what's, what's it doing over time on serial follow-up. Is it stable or is it growing, is it ever gonna regress, not unless we cut it out and put a graft in.



There is different ways to measure that are critical and we see a lot of patients at our institution for second opinions and they've been told somewhere else that they need surgery and then they come in and see us and the measurements were wrong, so it's really important to measure appropriately and do orthogonal measurements so you're really getting the the diameter of that area.



When it comes to the body size not so much the arch but in the ascending aorta there's a lot of controversy with this.



You know, if, if you're a, I always say five foot tall, 90 pound nurse her aorta should be significantly smaller than mine and mine should be significantly smaller than the six foot five, 280 pound tight end for the Chargers and so it's got to be ratio.



And there's certain tools we used to determine that and there's the aortic ratio and the aortic size index so we're looking at patients height, weight and then their aortic size in the different segments.



There's a big Yale aortic nomogram that actually, you know, gives some comparison out of Dr. Elefteriades's lab in Yale that kind of helps guide surgeons as to where people fit into either low, moderate, or high risk for aortic emergency.



I know with children we talk about z-score which is...



Yeah, c-sort, z-score is used specifically for the aortic root and that's, that's critical and and gets used for adults as well.



Right, that's the different how the differentiation from normal.



Yeah, differentiation for normal. You know, there's kind of a range for normal and then we're taking into account the patient's height, the weight and even their gender to come up with those scores.



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