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ロイス・ディーツ症候群と生きる ~LDSのタイプ分布と重症度~

Living a Life with LDS (September 12, 2020) E3 Summit




What about the distribution of the occurrence of those genes?



The most common one is is still TGF-beta receptor 2, which is about half to 60 percent of all the patients with Loeys-Dietz syndrome. Probably one out of five patients does present with the TGF-beta receptor 1 mutation and then the other more recently discovered genes probably explained somewhere between five and ten percent.



Of course these are more recent in discovery so those numbers might change a little bit and, for example, SMAD2 is very recently added but we only are aware of a couple of families with this gene as a cause of LDS and that might increase also in the future.



I've given here a little bit of an idea on the degree of severity as we see it now.



The TGF-beta receptor 1 and 2 along with SMAD3 tend to be more at the severe end of the spectrum, which is evidenced by the fact that there is more systemic features so you will see more cleft palates, more club feet, more craniosynostosis and also more examples of young age of onset.



Whereas a few more move more to the, to the right of of this distribution specifically with TGF-beta 3 you can see that there is much more examples of a very mild expression or even something that we call non-penetrance, which, which means that an individual carries a pathogenic variant mutation in TGF-beta 3 but does not show evidence of, for example, aortic aneurysm at least not at a young age. They might develop that at a later age.



So that's where the nomenclature and the different subtypes can be identified and how we would arrange the disease severity but I have to stress that even within a gene there is a significant variability. You can also have families with mutations in, for example, TGF-beta receptor 1 and 2 that do present much milder disease with less systemic features.



What exactly is determining this severity is as a matter of research. We believe that probably variation in some of the other genes, we have 21,000 in total, might modify the primary outcome of this mutation.



So this is an introduction and we will now answer the questions.



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