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Living a Life with LDS (September 12, 2020) E3 Summit




A couple questions around puberty. One is about, "Are there is, there anything to suspect that a late onset of puberty would be caused or be an effect of LDS?" and then more questions about "How does puberty affect teens with LDS?" "Does it significantly lower muscle tone, decreased joint stability, aortic changes, other impacts?"



So "Does LDS influence the timing of puberty?" I think in general the answer is no that we each are programmed to start puberty at a certain time. Often if you talk to parents of a child their experience as to when they went through puberty will predict when their child will go through puberty. Young women tend to go through puberty at an earlier age than young men as a, as a broad rule, you know.



I think the exception about, might LDS in some way influence puberty would include children that have severe gastrointestinal issues and have a really severe problem putting on weight. It's known that you need a certain body mass and particularly fat mass to have the right mix of hormones that, you know, will initiate puberty so it is possible to have delayed puberty on the basis of a really, really low body mass and again that's typically only seen in the subset of children that have severe gastrointestinal issues. 



"How can puberty influence features severity manifestations of Loeys-Dietz syndrome?" The answer to that is yes. We know, for example, that many of the skeletal features of connective tissue disorders like Loeys-Dietz syndrome and Marfan syndrome are driven by growth, so as you go through the rapid growth spurt that's associated with puberty that can make chest wall deformity worse that can cause an acceleration of curvature of the spine, for example, you know. 



Also around the time of puberty there's the release of hormones that we've already talked about, can in, at least in some circumstances influence blood vessels and how they perform. Also around the time of puberty blood pressure often goes up so it's possible that a higher blood pressure might lead to some acceleration of cardiovascular issues. 



And it's also known around the puberty that around the time of puberty that some behaviors change, you know, young boys, for example, might start getting really interested in heavy weight lifting, which is something, that might also influence how blood vessels perform



So it is a time when we, you know, pay close attention not that we're not paying close attention before but, you know, it, I, I, I certainly wouldn't become more relaxed around the time of puberty. I would certainly be maintaining all the frequent surveillance. That's, that's done throughout childhood.



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