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LDS小児の消化器疾患 ~経鼻胃チューブ・胃ろうチューブ~

Pediatric Gastrointestinal Issues in LDS (August 27, 2020) E3 Summit




So sometimes however people just aren't able to eat and or drink enough, sometimes dietary exclusions due to allergies make that difficulty. People with Loeys-Dietz syndrome frequently have some jaw muscle weakness that may make it difficult to eat enough or the allowable formulas due to the allergies are just not palatable that they don't taste good enough to drink. 



After a four to eight week trial of trying to eat and or drink a formula and you're still not successfully gaining weight and increasing your BMI two things that you may want to consider are a nasogastric or NG tube or a gastrostomy or G tube. 



So a nasogastric tube is a tube that goes into the stomach by passing through the nose and down the esophagus. For younger kids this is typically left taped in place throughout the day although older children, teenagers and adults can place an NG tube in the evening give themselves an overnight feed and in the morning take the tube out and go to school or work and no one is the wiser for what happened overnight.



For other patients who need a more permanent feeding aspect you can place a gastrostomy tube or G tube. These are placed surgically or endoscopically. They are a tube that goes through the skin into the stomach. It comes in many shapes and sizes. One of the most popular is a skin level device or G tube button. 



Here is a child with a G tube button in place and when you're ready to use it and give a feed you attach one of these adapters shown here to it and you can give the feed. 



We did look at gastrostomy tube placement in patients with Loeys-Dietz syndrome syndrome. We looked at 11 patients who had a total of 13 G tubes placed and we saw that this was a safe and effective way to give them additional nutrition that allowed them to increase their BMI Z score. If, if we exclude those patients who had uncontrolled intestinal inflammation it was more successful. There was only one complication during the placement of these 13 gastrostomy tubes.



And once the tube is removed once the tube is no longer needed that gastrostomy tube can be removed and typically the hole will close on its own and leave a tiny little scar that looks like a small belly button. 



However, we have some a hint from our data that people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome may need that hold to be closed surgically.



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