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LDS小児の消化器疾患 ~好酸球性食道炎~

Pediatric Gastrointestinal Issues in LDS (August 27, 2020) E3 Summit




Lastly I'm going to talk about intestinal inflammation in Loeys-Dietz syndrome. 



The first kind of intestinal inflammation is an allergic inflammation. Eosinophils are a type of white blood cell associated with allergy. The most common place to see this type of allergic inflammation is in the esophagus, called eosinophilic esophagitis or EoE. You can think of this as a slow motion food allergy and it's very different from the fast or anaphylactic food allergy that happens immediately after eating a food. 



Because it's very different from this fast allergy the testing that we use for anaphylactic or these fast allergies are not at all useful for eosinophilic esophagitis. In addition it does not turn into an anaphylactic food allergy although people can have both the slow and the fast allergy to the same or different foods. It can only be diagnosed with an endoscopy with biopsy and Dr. Pam Guerrario is going to be discussing this in more detail in her talk on allergic disease.

EoEはアナフィラキシー性アレルギーとは全く異なりますので、同じ検査方法は役に立ちません。また、食物アレルギーは急性のものと後から生じるものがありますが、EoEはアナフィラキシー性の食物アレルギーへと変わることはありません。EoEを診断する唯一の方法は内視鏡生検です。アレルギー性疾患については、Pam Guerrario医師によるE3セミナーで詳しく解説されることになっています。


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