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Pediatric Gastrointestinal Issues in LDS (August 27, 2020) E3 Summit




Next question my son with Loeys-Dietz gets sick or vomits at least a couple times a week. Should he be seeing a gastroenterologist or is this common?



Super common but if he's actually vomiting twice a week he should have at least a visit with a gastroenterologist to make sure there aren't more serious things going on. 



There are some anatomical issues that should, they should make sure that you don't have and there are some testings that should be done not necessarily endoscopy, there are a few x-ray tests I can think of that should be done.



But especially if that vomiting is interfering with his ability to gain weight, if you have vomiting that's interfering with the ability to gain weight you should definitely be seeing a gastroenterologist or if you're having trouble gaining weight in general. 



You know, that's one of those things I know people with Marfan's disease and Loeys-Dietz syndrome you have a lot of doctors that you see and I hate to sort of toss another appointment in your list of things to do. But it, but if, you know, there is a low body mass index, if your dexa is low, you know, each of your doctors is focusing on one thing and in that appointment, you know, there's only so many things you can pay attention to in an appointment



And having somebody on your team who's focusing very specifically on the nutrition and only looking at the nutrition can be very helpful if that's a big problem and one of the problems you're trying to address. 



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