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Pediatric Gastrointestinal Issues in LDS (August 27, 2020) E3 Summit




What are the main nutritional concerns with a consistently low BMI for LDS children? My 15-year-old has struggled with weight gain and his type Loeys-Dietz type 4, so far intervention has not helped.



So, so the answer depends exactly on why the body mass index is low, so there's two reasons two, two main reasons why. 



One is is that, you know, the person just isn't eating enough, eating enough calories, they're perfectly healthy but they're just not eating enough calories and we do see this in both Marfan's and Loeys-Dietz syndrome. 



There can be some jaw weakness, especially that's worse when the person is younger that makes it really hard for them to just eat enough. Just sort of their jaw tires out halfway through the meal and they just can't make it through the meal and eat enough. 



And sometimes using these liquid nutritional supplements throughout the day replacing water and things like that with a some sort of nutritional shake can be really helpful. Calorie packing can be helpful. 



The other reason why someone may not be gaining enough weight is because they're either not absorbing the nutrition or their body has hidden inflammation and is the white blood cells are burning up those calories inappropriately, inappropriately reacting to things that they shouldn't be reacting to.



So again so Pam, Dr. Pam Guerrario is going to be talking more about sort of allergies and allergic disease and we can see poor weight gain as one of the only symptoms in this eosinophilic GI disease, this slow motion food allergy, slow motion allergic inflammation in the intestines that can be one of the reasons why we see it. 

Pam Guerrario医師によるアレルギーについてのE3セミナーで詳しく説明されると思いますが、体重が増えないという症状は好酸球性消化器疾患においてみられる数少ない症状の一つです。好酸球性消化器疾患とは、時間をかけて起こる食物アレルギーあるいは時間をかけてアレルギー性の炎症が生じる疾患です。


We can also see trouble gaining weight in inflammatory bowel disease as well as one of the only symptoms, that's typically seen with abnormal labs. However, the eosinophilic GI disease, you can have relatively normal labs and have that not be the reason for gaining weight. 



So, you know, I think in that situation it would be good to have an evaluation by a gastroenterologist. I am happy to talk to any gastroenterologist that anyone sees. There's ways for them to get in contact with me that are super easy to sort of help bring them up to speed on what we know about Loeys-Dietz syndrome and connective tissues in general in terms of those things they should look for and things they should try. 



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