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Pediatric Gastrointestinal Issues in LDS (August 27, 2020) E3 Summit




Could you speak to the effects of connect, connective tissue disorders on the pelvic floor? This person specifically asked about Marfan but maybe broadly or Loeys-Dietz, Marfan... 



So with connective tissue disorders and then specifically everything I'm saying is also generalizable to Marfan, so this been, this has been looked at in Marfan's as well. We haven't looked at pelvic floor sort of as a scientific research question but certainly from our clinical experience we, we see that as well. 



So the pelvic floor is a collection of tissues and muscles in the the base of the pelvis that sort of they do have a significant participation in having a bowel movement and also in terms of controlling urine and things like that.



So we do see that there is a significant percentage of people with Marfan syndrome who have problems with the pelvic floor muscles and having it be weak, which can lead to difficulty having a bowel movement, it can lead to some urinary incontinence, it can lead to fecal incontinence, so yes, we do see it. 



It can be addressed so what you're really looking for to address it is pelvic floor physical therapy, which is very available. It's in a lot of places. You know, typically you'll see them mostly involved with so, you know, after they've had several children a lot of women have problems with their pelvic floor muscles and they do need some pelvic floor physical therapy. 



But all of the techniques that they use apply to connective tissue disorders so, you know, for younger kids what I tell people is, you know, these places are easy to find, you know, but they're used to treating postmenopausal women. So you, you need, you know, just when you make contact with them is, you know, "Hey, this is, this is for a younger person." You know, and the larger groups certainly have experience with that and the ability to do it because it's, it's all the same exercises and it's all the same interventions 



And again it's what you're working on is strengthening those pelvic floor muscles and that can really help with both pelvic floor dyssenergy and with this pelvic floor weakness, pelvic floor prolapse that can develop in connective tissue disorders.



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