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Pediatric Gastrointestinal Issues in LDS (August 27, 2020) E3 Summit




This is another one specifically from a Marfan patient but I'm going to guess it's got cross, cross applicability again, so he says can severe constipation issues especially chronic ones lead to a permanent stretching of the colon because of lack of elasticity in connective tissue? How would this affect or hinder the return of normal motility?



So, so yes, it can, you can get some distension of the colon especially the rectum that does can take sort of the longer the problem goes on and the older you are when you address it the less likely it is to sort of come back to a shape and and sort of what I always tell people sort of that does make it more difficult to empty that rectum completely. 



You know it's sort of like, you know, trying to trying to do a bench press with your arms stretched way, way out right it's, it's really hard to generate any force in that situation. 



Those are the situations where a stimulant can be really, really useful as well as some pelvic floor physical therapy to provide some strength to help that rectum empty out all the time. 



In addition you do want to use a little bit of a stool softener as well so that the stool that is in the rectum isn't sort of great big hard balls of stool that are keeping that rectum distended and keeping the problem going on.



So it's, it's it it's more of a problem so I guess that would fall into sort of a little bit of a motility issue but what it really does is creates a problem where you're not capable of emptying that rectum and so it is sort of, a sort of a full court press in terms of some stool softeners, some stimulants and some pelvic floor physical therapy are all going to be needed in that situation to try to help, be able to empty that rectum out every time you have a bowel movement.



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