
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

運動に関するオンライン座談会 ~アスリートの大動脈に関する研究~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Physical Activity & Exercise




What about if I exercise over time? Does it have any impact on my aorta? Next slide.



In athletes, again elite athletes. These are Olympians, national champions things like that, the aorta is a little bit bigger in people that are elite athletes especially in strength-trained athletes compared to those that aren't athletic. Next slide. 



This is just documentation of that in a study of weight trainers from Iran. Next slide. Next slide. In the green bar are the athletes that exercise the longest period of time with the most intense weight training over months and months as opposed to a short time and it does show there's a little bit increased aortic size in long-term strength-trained athletes. 



And so we think about that when we think about someone with an underlying aortic condition and that type of exercise being potentially at risk but again there really are no data looking at that to see, "Is this a protective effect to the aorta?" "Is this a remodeling effect?" or "Is this a harmful effect?" 

そこで、大動脈の基礎疾患のある患者さんにとって高リスクとなる運動のタイプについて考えたいのですが、先ほど申し上げたように、「大動脈に対する保護効果がある運動か?」「大動脈の構造を変える効果があるか?」「大動脈に悪影響があるか?」 といった問いの回答となるデータは存在しないのです。


And there's studies of endurance athletes that have done marathons and endurance cycling for 10 years starting at age 50 years old and older and they do have larger aortas than regular people who don't do that type of exercise but we don't see harmful effects. 



So there is a lot to learn about the aorta in athletes that might have an impact on how we advise the people we care for who have conditions where the aorta is at risk. Next slide.



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