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運動に関するオンライン座談会 ~パネリスト① 28歳男性 マルファン症候群~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Physical Activity & Exercise




So now what I'd like to do is invite our other panelists back, Alan, Morgan and Samantha. And I'd like to do is have you each talk a little bit about, just take a couple minutes, tell us who you are, where you are and about your physical activity and your and what your connection is to Marfan, Loeys-Dietz and vEDS. 



And I think what we're gonna do so a lot of talk about, so talk about football in there so we're gonna start with Alan and  looking forward to hearing from you. You and I have talked about this for so long. Here we are.



Yeah all right, can everybody hear me? 



Yes, you're good. 



Well, I haven't been on the zoom in a little while. Yeah, so I'm gonna have a unique perspective for sure because everything they were saying not to do on that presentation I was doing. Thankfully, I, I got diagnosed and everything's fine now 



But my name's Alan Tucker. I'm currently in Mississippi. I'm 28. I was diagnosed when I was 18. At the time I was playing college football at Mississippi State University which is, as you see, so pretty high level and I also had open heart surgery when I was 26 so two years ago.



So I kind of have both perspectives of a guy that was told, "Hey, you gotta, you gotta chill out because you got Marfan syndrome, a connective tissue disorder," and then again told "Hey, you gotta get your body ready because you're about to have open heart syndrome(訳者注:surgeryの間違い?)," and then "Hey, you gotta kind of adjust how you work out post surgery," so I got a little bit of perspective on, on this exercise with, with heart disease thing but yeah, I hope I can, hope I can answer people's questions. And I've done just about everything as far as physical activity, so feel free to ask me, you know, what, what strain it puts on the body but that was a great job by Dr. Braverman and Dr. Shepard right there, just talking about.



You know, what's most important is that you do something. So mainly for the mental aspect of it just, just, you know, don't, the worst thing you can do is, is nothing, so, yeah it's a great point they made and I'll hand it off to the, to the next panelist.



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