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運動に関するオンライン座談会 ~パネリスト③(12歳男児 血管型エーラス・ダンロス症候群 の母親)のお話~

Personal Perspectives Panel: Physical Activity & Exercise




Morgan, as a parent I know a lot of, a lot of parents want to protect their kids and also direct them and then at the same time they're athletes like you are and, you know, they have hopes for their children and you have to kind of re, rethink some of that maybe, I mean, can you talk about that a little bit?



Yeah, I mean our background, we're, we're an athletic family like I said, I run, high intensity running, I compete in endurance running. My fiance is a weightlifter, a bodybuilder so, you know, we got that background.



And then when you're told "No, he can't," like, "Basically he can't do anything and it's like "okay." That's a big, you know, shocker so like the first day that I pulled him out he was very angry about it and as a 10-year-old I think he handled it the best that he could. 



Even to this day, you know, it's been two years. He still has told me he doesn't really accept it fully. It still makes him angry that he can't do the things that he wants to do. He'll still come up with like a, a plot of how he's going to convince the doctor that it'll be a good idea for him to play competitive basketball or, you know, something like that, which doesn't happen. 



He does now watch a lot of football. He really enjoyed football so that's kind of the only connection that he has to it but he, at the time we started going to the games and, you know, "Okay, we'll support the team," because he left and and he really didn't like that. It made him jealous to see everybody else doing it and he couldn't. It made him feel useless to sit on the side.



So I was surprised that that actually didn't work out to be a, a way to be involved. He just felt he wanted to be the one on the field and not on the side so we had to stop going to those but he likes to watch the professional, you know, on TV. 



And then I think it was also a switch to what, you know, back to what can you do. It's not all about what you can't do. It's what you can do so he started doing golf. He got very involved in golf. He also started doing the more recreational type of, you know, jogging, the recumbent bike at a gym. Those types of exercises where you're moving and, but you're not straining so that he didn't feel completely left out even at this young age. 



And I think another area that really helped him was physical therapy because even with the jogging like around a track he was in pain. His, his joints were in pain. His knees were dislocating. His shoulders were dislocating or I should say subluxation not dislocation. I have used it so, you know, interchangeably but physical therapy, we did that twice a week for about a year for an hour to two hours at a time and that worked wonders. It was night and day. He went from having 20 sublaxations a day to none. He may have one a month now. 



Just doing those light exercises that keep the muscles around the joints, you know, healthy and working and I think that gets back to the points that, you know, Dr. Shepard and Dr. Braverman made that you know, doing those lighter exercises it benefits everybody and it benefits your body in other ways that as long as you're not spiking the blood pressure and your doctor is, you know, okay with it. It's important to do those things, you know, to live a quality life. You don't want to be in pain all the time and you want to be a part of it.



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