
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


Personal Perspectives Panel: Physical Activity & Exercise




Samantha, people want to know about your about your swim workouts and how did that change when you were diagnosed? 



So I wasn't diagnosed until after I kind of stopped swimming. I mean, I still swim leisurely but I wasn't diagnosed till I was 24. I stopped swimming for a team after high, once I left high school. I didn't swim in college but in high school we kind of had an idea that I had something but obviously there was never a full diagnosis. 



I was always in the slower lane. I would take the extra time and when my, we had our sets we, I think, we would go on depending on what it was. Sometimes we would go in like 30 second intervals or minute intervals and I would take the extra time to catch my breath and then be like, "Okay, I'll take five extra seconds," than what they usually do and then go, just so I could catch my breath and go and then I also did not dive into the pool, which, my head coach for, in high school and during my neighborhood swimming during the summer, they were very accommodating to it and the officials were too. 



With everything I kind of like as I got older I saw my friends getting faster and I wanted to get faster as well so it's just kind of like, it's almost like a peer pressure thing. 



But I, I did what I could but I didn't exert myself to the point where I couldn't breathe when I got out of the pool. If I saw that I was getting to that point I would completely stop and catch my breath and then go again. I never let myself go above the limit that I knew that I couldn't do.



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