
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン関連疾患児の発達障害・行動障害・学習障害 ~神経心理学とは~

Children with Marfan, Loeys-Dietz, and VEDS: More than Medicine




Now really kind of what do, I do and what is neuropsychology. I suspect if you ask my family and a lot of my friends they really wouldn't have an idea of what I do for a job. They probably would say, "something with veterans" or I don't remember, you know, so we'll quickly kind of go through what is kind of neuropsychology and kind of how does that relate to some of the things we'll talk about here. 



So real basically neuropsychology's study of brain-behavior relationships in individuals with known or suspected brain injury, neurodevelopmental disorders, learning disorders or other congenital disorders, kind of a subspecialty within psychology. 



The, the real goal of neuropsychology is kind of figuring out functioning, strengths, weaknesses and devising treatment, planning diagnosis, often comes along with this both for insurance and,you know, billing purposes but also sometimes that does kind of help communicate what's going on but really I think certainly in our program and, and I think just in general it's really important to really focus on where the level of functioning again not getting into this dichotomy of like, "Are you okay or not okay." It's really kind of more nuanced than that.



Yeah, so and as far as the actual process goes the tests are specifically designed to measure cognitive function or associated with a particular brain structure or kind of neural system within the brain. In its more aggressive form, I mean, this, this kind of testing started before we had imaging techniques and to some degree is almost as reliable as, as imaging.



We tailor our neuropsych batteries here to answer specific referral questions focusing on cognition behavior and what are the functional capacities. 



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