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マルファン関連疾患児の発達障害・行動障害・学習障害 ~脳機能検査の具体例~



So this is a fairly common task that both kids and adults would get in a neuropsych test. 



It's, we give them blocks like this. That are either, there's no white ones here in this example but they'll either be white on one side, all red on one side or half red, half white. Then we show them a picture like on the right there and we'll have them construct that. We time them and that's going to give us an idea of, to some degree, motor functioning but more importantly visuospatial functioning. 



Now how somebody approaches this can matter a lot, I mean, there's endless ways that this changes, you know, people with neglect via strokes will approach things in particular ways. Certain conditions across the lifespan will also show unique, at times, unique approaches to this. 



And I think one of the things getting back to that process versus score idea is, this is actually, it's a maybe not a verbatim quote but a quote from Edith Kaplan. I'm talking about the process approach in one of her early papers and she basically said, you know, you have this nine block design here you have somebody who constructs this entire nine block design correct with the exception of one of these blocks is rotated so eight of the blocks are right. One of them is rotated a quarter turn by accident. They get a zero. You also have somebody that puts three of the blocks in their mouth, throws three of the blocks across the room. They also get a zero, so if you're just looking at the score you're not getting a whole lot of, a whole lot of information.

こうした検査における、プロセスベースの評価とスコアベースの評価との違いについて、Edith Kaplan医師の初期の論文から引用して説明したいと思います。左側にあるブロックを使って、右側にある9つのブロックからなる図形を完成させる問題において、8つは正解だったものの、1つのブロックだけ45度回転させてしまったとすると、スコアは0になってしまいます。あるいは、3つのブロックを口に入れてしまったり、部屋の反対側に投げてしまっても、スコアは0です。このようにスコアのみを見てしまうと、全体像が見えなくなってしまうのです。


Likewise there's visuospatial construction tasks. This is from a study looking at kids with and without ADHD on clock drawing and, I mean, the drawings themselves are pretty, I think, self-explanatory of the poor motor planning and potentially impulsivity of the child with ADHD versus the non-ADHD's child's clock looks reasonable. 



But there's a lot more info in there, right? so we don't know if that's motor planning, if that was an executive function skill, kind of more related to impulsivity or, or inhibition and there's a whole lot more without giving the test away in case then any of you all wind up in a neuropsychologist's office. I don't want to spoil too much of this but there's a lot of other things. We look at as part of even something as simple as drawing a clock.


Now of course these are two kind of visuospatial, executive, motor tasks that I'm using for these process approach but it's true of even things like if we ask people to define words and we prompt them for more, how do they process that prompt or how do they kind of work at getting towards a better answer with that kind of prompting. 



There's all kinds of different ways this plays out and I could probably talk for a day about that kind of stuff.



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