
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

リスクと生きる ~運動ガイドライン~

Living with Risk




Currently there are guidelines that help us with Marfan syndrome in terms of what activities might be safe.They are based on adult exercise stress test data that look at metabolic equivalence and which is not something that in general we think about like in the general public but they do have a helpful table available that kind of points out, "Hey, if you're hiking a really steep hill that might be too much. If you're jogging really fast that might be too much. Baling hay, not as popular as a recreational activity but some of those things can be higher risk. And it points out that some of these other activities, you know, moderate walking or bicycling at a leisurely pace would be permissible and not high risk. 



In general a lot of the guidance that is given is that if you're able to talk while doing the exercise then this is likely a reasonable level of work. It's not too strenuous if you're able to carry on a conversation. Though admittedly apparently in a gym it's important to maintain proper gym etiquette and not do that while on a treadmill if there's someone nearby. I, I don't go to the gym too often so I was not aware of that but I guess we need to make that comment too. 



Another guideline would be that if you're taking a beta blocker if the heart rate remains less than 100 then that's likely a reasonable level of work or some would suggest that you can target a heart rate rise that's about 30 percent or less above your baseline and in general, you know, as a cardiologist tracking my own heart rate like brisk walking will get mine about 30 above baseline. 



One of the other things that's recommended is that if you do have to lift heavy things or you're moving furniture or something a you should ask for help but if you're doing that then to exhale when lifting so don't, don't do a prolonged strain like this individual who is carrying an atlas stone and the world's strongest man. You can see he's bright red in the face. When you do that kind of activity blood pressure can double or triple which really increases the risk of vascular damage. 



The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

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