
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

リスクと生きる ~小児における大動脈解離発症率~

Living with Risk




And we do know that aortic dissection is a rare event. The IRAD registry data note that this occurs in about two to three per 100,000 people and this was a majority male and majority older crowd. 



They're, and, looking at pediatrics specifically. There was a paper that came out of Texas that looked at hospital data or hospitalization data and out of 3.9 million hospitalizations over the course of seven years there were only 110 cases of dissection. So the incidence for hospitalized children was about 3 on a 100,000 so the incidence for a child that's not hospitalized is going to be dramatically less. And about 24 percent of the patients in this study had connective tissue disorders. Only five of those had a dissection presentation. All the other ones were consequences of a procedure either a heart cath or surgery. 



And if we are looking at this and try to extrapolate, If we presume the incidence of connective tissue disorder was about 1 in 5,000 of the 3.9 million hospitalizations that's about the incidence of Marfan syndrome, then there would be about 780 patients in this study with connective tissue disorders and about 5 out of 780 had a aortic dissection or about 0.6. It's interesting that that mirrors the study that we originally looked at from Europe as well. And it's important to know that that's the number that had a dissection that was not a consequence of a procedure and none of these patients were under the age of 13. 



And, you know, when we're thinking about risk a lot of it really becomes, you know, yes, there are things that we can prevent but sometimes when we're restricting people we, I really try to think about what risk do we think is acceptable, what level of risk. And if you think about just travel in the United States, which is something many of us do every day. The risk of death in a car accident almost approaches one percent in the United States and there are certain groups that this is higher risk for. So, for example, adolescent males are three times the risk if you're a teenager and then twice the risk if you're a male as well and so, you know, obviously we would like to reduce risk as much as we can but kind of thinking about it that way helps, helps us to kind of frame it.



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