
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

リスクと生きる ~大動脈疾患に関わる遺伝子および気胸に関連する疾患~

Living with Risk




Here's a patient who has vEDS and Loeys-Dietz, VUS. So this is a not exactly a disease-causing mutation has had a pneumothorax and so what imaging does this person need. 



Well, the genetic testing can be normal or there can be some benign change that everybody agrees is benign, you can have these variants of unknown significance or they can be a definite disease causing mutation. This is really very hard for you to interpret without an expert geneticist's help, so this is how you go through this.



There was a recent paper but these are all the genes all over the place of it can cause aortic disease but category A is 11 or so genes that are the most usual ones, so there is some sense beginning to be made of, you know, these panels have so many genes but which are the usual ones that we have to have concerned about. 



Now this person mentioned them with pneumothorax and this is a lot here but all I'll say is that on the left where my cursor is, is diseases and conditions that have been connected to pneumothorax and then on the top are the particular features, for example, skin, skeletal, eye so if it's Marfan syndrome you often have skin, skeletal and eye problems, etc., so pneumothorax it can be a very benign problem. That's not doesn't really mean too much but it can be an indication that one of these conditions is present and this is what you discuss, you know, with your doctor when you have experienced the pneumothorax and, you know, is it possible that you have one of these conditions.



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