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リスクと生きる ~リスクと幸福のバランス~

Living with Risk




All right, so tonight's presentation is all about talking about risk and the impact that risk has on our emotional health and I want to really name that our awareness of risk although it can negatively impact our emotional well-being. 



It's also really powerful by having awareness of our symptoms, having awareness of different risks and precautions we can take it, promotes safety. It empowers decision-making, it enhances self-advocacy and there's a sweet spot, so you can be overly aware of the risk factors and overly concerned with how to prevent physical, physical harm or physical damage you can also be insufficiently or deliberately ignorant of those things so my goal here tonight is to really talk about how we become mindfully aware of risk so that we are using it to our benefit without really causing undue emotional suffering.



So on all, you know, both ends of the spectrum. having too little awareness of risk or too little consideration of risk. The benefit to that is, of course, that we are going to have less disruption in our day-to-day life, we're not so aware of what are the things that we can't do and that can sometimes result in folks having less anxiety and I've seen that within the vEDS community people that will maybe say, you know, I just don't want to be as aware, I don't want to think about it all the time because I want to be able to live my life and there's a lot to be said for that, of course, that comes with the downside of potentially suffering from avoidable, avoidable physical complications 



Then we swing to the other side of the pendulum and that's kind of hyper-awareness and aggressive risk avoidance and this is where you are enhancing your physical safety to be, to be sure that's fantastic that we know all of the things that can potentially cause harm and we can avoid them and that's great but then we start running into, you know, just like Dr. Bowen and Glenn we're talking about where you're not, you're not active and you're not having that quality of life and you have that decreased experiential component and that's really going to have a negative impact overall and that's going to then increase the emotional toll, so heightened anxiety, hyper, hyper experiences of fear and lower joyful experiences. 



So when you think about how do you find the balance where do you land in the middle? Again thinking of this mindful risk awareness and deliberate lifestyle of choices. The goal is to find those high risk activities that we know we should avoid and then find ways to tolerate the low to moderate risk activities so that we can balance both the physical protection and our emotional wellness. 



And as I was preparing for this presentation I found this particular kind of balanced care and that is so precarious and it just struck me as a patient with vEDS and as a parent of children with vEDS how hard it is to find this place of balance where we are attending to the risk in a way that's meaningful and empowering and not having it take over our lives so again I feel like we could talk about an entire webinar on just finding your balance as far as a risk orientation because it is such a huge, a huge boulder to carry around.



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