
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群をはじめから ~遺伝子~

Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic




So I'm just showing genetics over here just showing a gene or a, a chromosome. If you guys remember from school we all we have 46 of these chromosomes that sit here. There's 23 pairs of chromosomes and Marfan syndrome is basically caused by a tiny defect all the way down in the DNA, so if you have something like Down syndrome that means you have a whole extra chromosome but what happens is in a little piece of this chromosome. There's folded up DNA matter down to this double helix you guys know about and if you have a single base pair change, a single change in this DNA that causes Marfan syndrome, so this genetic disorder is called autosomal dominant that means it's on a chromosome that doesn't cause you to be the male or female but one of the other chromosomes and it means you just need one copy, not two, to be affected.



It has variable expressions that means it doesn't look the same in everybody so even in the same family with the same genetic change. A father and a daughter might look different. One might be more severely affected, one might have heart disease and the other one has eye disease. It can be, it can be variable within families.



And about 25 percent is sporadic that means that it wasn't inherited from a parent and about 75 percent is inherited so sporadic means basically when the egg and sperm came together, you know, there's, there's some blending that has to be done and there's a DNA mistake that causes this so we see that in about 25 percent of people.



So and some people can have changes in FBN1, the gene that's affected and that doesn't always cause Marfan syndrome. Sometimes you can have benign changes in FBN1 and sometimes you can have changes that just cause skeletal changes and it technically classifies Marfan syndrome. 



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