
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群をはじめから ~心臓の所見~

Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic




And then we'll get to the heart. This is my main area of expertise and interest and the two most common problems in Marfan syndrome are dilation of parts of the aorta and something called mitral valve prolapse and I'll go through this a little bit, so the aorta is this kind of candy cane-shaped-looking vessel that comes out of the heart. It gives all the blood to the heart to the body and it gives blood up to the brain and the arms and back down to the legs and normally it's shaped kind of like a candy cane but in Marfan syndrome you can see here. There's this bulge here this is called an aortic root aneurysm or in kids we call it aortic dilation. You can get aneurysms here. This is called the aortic isthmus. This can also be dilated, so we look for these and when they get too big that's when we need to do surgery and if we see dilation at all this is when we prescribe medications. 



Mitral valve prolapse, so this is the heart lying on its side. This is the left atrium and left ventricle. Normally this valve, there's a valve that opens and closes should close like a v here and you see it's closing. It's more flat. It's kind of actually this area is flipping up into the left atrium. This is mitral valve prolapse and this is also commonly seen in Marfan syndrome. 



Those are the most common, so aortic dilation like I mentioned the aorta when it's dilated can cause this valve to leak. It's called the aortic valve regurgitation. Like I said mitral valve prolapse there's another valve on the right side of the heart called the tricuspid valve that can prolapse. You can have other cardiac findings like a dilated pulmonary artery that's the artery that goes to the lungs. Decreased ventricular function that's the heart muscle and ultimately aortic dissection, which we're going to talk a little bit more but this is when there's a tear in the wall of the aorta and that's what we worry about most in Marfan syndrome.



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