
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

マルファン症候群をはじめから ~ベントール手術とデイビット手術~

Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic




Now we take all of these considerations into account in order to determine which operation is appropriate for you for the aortic root.



So we talk about aortic root aneurysms we're thinking about surgery that replaces the aortic root so aortic root replacement so that's the top box here. Now there's two ways to replace the aortic root: one is to replace the aortic roots so the aneurysm along with the valve and this carries the moniker of the Bentall procedure named after Hugh Bentall from England; the other way to replace the root is to replace the aortic aneurysm but spare the aortic valve so that's a valve sparing aortic root replacement. The aortic valve is not replaced and this carries the moniker of the David procedure named after Tyrone David, Canadian surgeon.

大動脈基部の動脈瘤に関しては、その部分を取り替える手術をすることになります。方法は2つあります。まずひとつ目は、動脈瘤と一緒に大動脈弁も取り替える、ベントール手術という方法です。ベントールという名称はイングランドの心臓外科医であるHugh Bentallに由来します。2つ目は動脈瘤は取り除き、大動脈弁はそのまま残す手術です。これをデイビット手術といい、カナダ人外科医のTyron Davidに由来します。


In the Bentall procedure, aortic root replacement, because we're replacing the aneurysm with the valve we have to find a substitute for both and this is the substitute. It's called a composite valve graft so it is a dacron graft with a valve mounted inside the graft now for this we place both the aneurysm and the valve and we replace the aortic valve even if it's normal.



There's two types of composite valve grafts that are available: one is a mechanical valve graft; the second is a biologic valve graft, so the mechanical valve on the left is made out of high grade carbon. That's not metal. It's high grade carbon so it's designed to be very, very durable. This is designed to last for your entire life. The downside is a mechanical valve is you have to be on a blood thinner called Coumadin. Biologic valves, on the other hand, do not need to be maintained with Coumadin but the durability will be less. The choice of valves is a complex one and it is mostly based on the patient's age but many other factors as well. 



On the other hand if the aortic root is replaced in a valve sparing technique, otherwise known as the David procedure only the aneurysm is replaced and here you can see that the aortic valve is left intact in the body and then subsequently re-implanted in this dacron graft so the valve again functions normally but living in a dacron graft rather than an aortic aneurysm and this procedure is nice because we don't have to worry about complications that are associated with artificial valves. Whether that be long-term anticoagulation meaning Coumadin or worrying about whether or not the artificial valve is going to degenerate over time so this I think is a nice procedure for the appropriate patient.



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