
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。


Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic




Can each of you talk about life, life expectancy, you know, whether somebody's diagnosed early, you know, what, what's the impact on life expectancy from aortic surgery? Question about that here. 



Sure. I can start on it, so there haven't been studies done since the 90s on exact life expectancy but we can only think, I mean, therapies have gotten so much better so we can only think it's better than this, you know, mid 70s life expectancy we noted in the 90s, and basically, you know, if you are seeing a cardiologist routinely and if you're doing meds and you get surgery at the right time, I mean it's virtually normal. 



Certainly there are some people that have aortic dissection early that's not controlled but a lot of those people did not know that they had Marfan syndrome, so that adds into these estimates of life expectancy. The outcomes of people who knew they had Marfan syndrome and got regular care are really, really good, so we don't have exact numbers but the biggest thing is just being under appropriate care because even if you have a dissection in the current era if you get to a surgeon right away, you know, you can still have very good outcomes.



I think in 2022 there's no reason not to expect a long and happy life with Marfan syndrome. We do know back in the 70s and 60s before we were good at diagnosing and treating aneurysms that life expectancy of Marfan syndrome was not very good but fast forward 30 or 40 years I think patients with timely surgery can have haven't, have a normal lifespan. 



Now we'd like to get the aortic surgery done before the dissection happens because surgery after the dissection happens means that the patient will probably have more than one cardiac operation in their lifetime so that's just another reason to get rid of the aneurysm before there's an emergency.



You know, to that point, also we actually had a a patient and perspective panel talking about life after aortic surgery because people, you know, they think that's the end but it's not the end. There's a whole life after it, usually so in most cases so that's something that we'll point people to. 



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