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ロイス・ディーツ症候群の遺伝学 ~各タイプの比較~

What’s in Your LDS Family Tree? Genetics, Variability, Outcomes (September 1, 2020)




So I just thought I'd put up some slides that go through the patients in the initial publications for Loeys-Dietz syndrome, so you can see how much overlap there is.



So these are patients from the original TGFBR1 and 2 paper and you can see the hyperteelerism, you can see some contractures, some kind of clubfoot, skew foot, you can see the translucent skin and the atrophic scars and the bifid uvula. 



And then next to be discovered was SMAD3 and again you can see overlapping stray by bifid uvula. SMAD3 was first described as having earlier onset osteoarthritis and it's hard to say if this is really a distinguishing feature between SMAD3 and the other Loeys-Dietz syndromes or if the investigators were really concentrating on this specific feature.



And then these are the patients from the original TGFB2 paper so again you see the tortuous arteries. You see the long flat cheekbones, the recessed chin, the arachnodactyly 



And then finally TGFB3 and SMAD2. So again, the bifid uvulas, the hypertelorisms, the joint laxity, all of these are really overlapping between all the different subtypes of Loeys-Dietz syndrome.



So in general we do think that there is variable expressivity and you guys all are on the website and the Facebook pages and, you know, there is a more severe manifestation that typically shows in kids, who are diagnosed pretty early on in life, perhaps with the craniosynostosis, perhaps needing surgical cervical spine, surgery and needing aortic root repair at younger ages to a much more milder presentation where they have less prominent craniofacial features, maybe have more of the skin findings and perhaps need surgery later in life for their aorta. So in general we typically consider people with Loeys-Dietz types 1, 2 and 3 to be a little bit more severe again in general than those that present with TGFB2 and 3.



You know, but Dr. G uses this, this slide and I and I like it a lot, so, you know, if we imagine each bell curve is a different Loeys-Dietz type and the top of the bell curve and kind of the middle of it is the average person presenting with that gene, gene change and then the most severe is kind of to the left and the least severe is to the right. It's very easy to see that people with maybe milder presentation of TGFBR1 and 2 or Loeys-Dietz type 1 and 2 might be less severe than those people on the, on the more severe or more aggressive side of the types 4 and 5, so there really is tremendous overlap.



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