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What’s in Your LDS Family Tree? Genetics, Variability, Outcomes (September 1, 2020)




So just curious Dr. Dietz, your thoughts on like who makes a good candidate for moving forward with whole exome or what kind of family like if people have had negative aortopathies? When should they consider more advanced testing?




Okay, so as Gretchen mentioned when you do whole exome sequencing you sequence all 20,000 genes at the same time. It used to be that you'd have to sit around and think hard and come up with an idea and then you'd go sequence that individual gene and if the answer was no you'd have to go back to your desk and try to come up with another good idea. 




Now the good news is with whole exome sequencing you get information on 20,000 genes all at once. The bad news with whole exome sequencing is that you get information on 20,000 genes all at once. And you have to try to make sense of it, so you have to come up with some sort of strategy to try to filter through all of the that data to decide what's possibly important and what's likely innocent. 




One way that we approach that is with large families if you have someone, who came back negative for an aneurysm panel but they have seven affected relatives that you have strong confidence have the same condition as them, then you can do whole exome sequencing on all of them and ask what do they have in common, what do all seven of those people share so that's a meaningful filter, a way to try to narrow things down to a, a, a real answer. 




Another way is if someone is the first person in the family with a condition and they have very striking outward features you, you can convince yourself that if somebody else had this condition in the family it's unlikely they would have been missed, so there you might have the hypothesis that, that individual has a new mutation what Gretchen referred to as a de novo mutation that if you do whole exome sequencing on them and both of the their parents you will find something new in that individual that, that was not present in either parent so that also can be a powerful filter. 




Another way you can end up with a child with a new condition in a family is if they have something that we call a recessive condition but in order to show the disease you have to inherit an abnormal copy of a gene of the same gene from both parents and now there are also ways of filtering the whole exome sequencing data to see if that's the case, if a child with what appears to be a new condition in that family has two abnormal copies of the same gene one from each parent.




So I think all of those would be examples where there's a reasonable chance that you would learn something from this new type of genetic testing. If someone has a very mild condition, doesn't have striking outward features, doesn't have a family history, you know, perhaps has a, a late onset and mild degree of aortic enlargement the chances of sifting through the information on 20,000 genes and coming up with an answer or that chance is vanishingly small so that might be an example of a situation where it would not yet make sense to do advanced genetic testing. 




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