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ERにおける大動脈解離の診断と治療 ~大動脈解離・大動脈壁内血腫・大動脈穿通性アテローム潰瘍~

Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Dissection in the ER (Parts 1 and 2)




A classic aortic dissection again is a tear in the aortic wall, so blood then enters into this false channel separated by the intimal flap. The dissection typically propagates anterograde down the aortic wall but can go retrograde and leads to malperfusion syndromes, risk of rupture, late aneurysm and other potentially catastrophic complications.



This is a surgeon's view of aortic dissection courtesy of Joe Bavaria from Pennsylvania where the heart is here and this is a massively dilated aorta that's thin walled. You can see the blood circulating right to the aorta and the intimal flap going back and forth from the aortic root into the ascending aorta. You can see how dangerous this condition can be with the thin walled aorta at risk for rupture at any time.

こちらはペンシルバニア州の外科医であるJoseph Bavaria先生から提供していただいた(急性A型解離の)動画です。心臓は上側にあります。異常に膨れ上がった大動脈が見えますが、壁は薄くなっています。大動脈の血流はありますが、剥がれた内膜が大動脈基部と上行大動脈の間を行ったり来たりしているのが透けて見えます。どれほど危険な状態かがおわかりになると思います。大動脈の壁が薄く、いつ破裂してもおかしくない状況です。


IMH or intramural hematoma, 10 to 20 percent of syndromes. You can see the blood in the aortic wall and the intimate is intact, so a spontaneous hemorrhage of the vasa vasorum where some people feel microscopic tears in the aorta that presents similarly to a classic aortic dissection. That's called IMH.



And a penetrating ulcer is where the aorta has atherosclerosis and calcification and an ulceration occurs leading to focal hematoma and risk of rupture. 



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