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ERにおける大動脈解離の診断と治療 ~ERで大動脈解離を疑う所見~

Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Dissection in the ER (Parts 1 and 2)




So one of the most important factors leading to a correct diagnosis of this condition is a high clinical suspicion that aortic dissection may be the cause of the person's presentation. So how do we think about that? How do you approach people in the emergency room when so many are there? 



Consider aortic dissection in patients who present to the emergency room with chest pain, back pain, abdominal pain, syncope or have a malperfusion syndrome or present with shock or hypotension, and if you think about "Does the individual that I see have a high risk condition?" "Do they have a high risk pain feature that should make one suspicious of aortic dissection?" or "Could they have a high risk feature on examination heightening the suspicion for aortic dissection?"



High-risk conditions include those at risk for aortic aneurysm dissection like Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome or vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or a familial aortic syndrome so they have a family history, "Do they have bicuspid valve disease or a known thoracic aneurysm that's being followed or have they had aortic manipulation?", all conditions at risk for aortic dissection.



Does the individual have a high risk pain feature, that would be chest pain, back pain or abdominal pain that's abrupt in onset and severe in its intensity, often described or more commonly described as sharper stabbing, less commonly ripping and tearing but adjectives of importance in making you consider this as a diagnosis. 



And "Does the individual have a high-risk examination feature such as evidence for a perfusion deficit?" so that would be an abnormal pulse in one extremity or a difference in blood pressure between the arms or the arm and a leg or a focal neurological deficit like chest pain and stroke or chest pain and aortic regurgitation murmur or hypotension and shock. 



So think about these conditions when you have a patient with unexplained chest, back, or abdominal pain or these other features and it'll enhance the yield of diagnosis of our, aortic dissection.



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