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ERにおける大動脈解離の診断と治療 ~Dダイマー~

Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Dissection in the ER (Parts 1 and 2)




Biomarkers can be very helpful in suspected aortic dissection and D-dimer is the one that's most readily available and, and has the most data supporting its use. 



So D-dimer is the degradation product of fibrin and is elevated during activation of the clotting system. Acute aortic dissection leads to marked activation of the clotting cascade and some of the highest levels of D-dimer that one recognizes are present in acute aortic dissection, especially early on and in the first several hours after dissection



Importantly, D-dimer has been reported normal in aortic intramural hematoma, in which there's no intimal flap or penetrating ulcer, so if you have a high suspicion of an acute aortic syndrome the D-dimer should not be used to rule out this condition.



Thinking about the aortic dissection risk score, we talked earlier about recognizing the condition. "Does a person have a high risk condition like Marfan or others," "Do they have a high risk pain feature like severe chest pain, back pain or abdominal pain, abrupt in onset" or "Do they have a high risk exam feature like pulse deficits or aortic regurgitation or shock?" They, there are three possibilities here. If some and aortic dissection is more likely the more of these possibilities that are present. 



The D-dimer can be complementary to the clinical examination. In the person in the emergency room who has acute chest or abdominal symptoms and one has suspicion of aortic dissection that's high, direct imaging is recommended as the next step to evaluate for dissection but in individuals at much lower risk with a dissection risk score of one or less a D-dimer can be helpful. 



If the D-dimer's elevated imaging is recommended. If the D-dimer is normal and the risk of aortic dissection is very low, studies using this algorithm have demonstrated that in low suspicion cases, in an aortic, normal D-dimer level only missed 0.3 percent or 1 in 300 cases of the aortic dissection



So remember this in the emergency room and when you're thinking about dissection and low risk individuals where it's still in your differential and you haven't gone on to do imaging. If the D-dimer is elevated that might heighten your suspicion and allow you to go forward with this testing and a normal D-diameter in a low-risk individual is typically not in the aortic dissection



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