
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

大動脈解離の治療における進展 ~A型解離の手術適応と手術の目的~

Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection




So when do we treat an acute dissection? Well, any patient who's deemed survivable and so it used to be that "Oh, if you're over 80 you don't get treated," but that's just not true anymore. We have plenty of patients that show up in their 80s who have had a dissection. We are able to repair those successfully. If a patient presents with a stroke that can reverse when you fix the dissection



Intramural hematoma we talked about, atherosclerotic ulcers we talked about. Both are indications for surgery but may not be indications for surgery immediately but a type A dissection with a tear is generally an immediate trip to the operating room. 



The goals of surgery are to fix the immediate problem, get rid of tamponade, get rid of hemorrhage, bleeding. 



Get a distal flow going back into the true lumen. We talked about the false lumen and that's we don't want blood going in the false lumen so we want to get as much going a true lumen, which is where the blood vessels generally come from.



We want to correct compromise if your coronary blood vessels or your blood vessels to your head have a flap in them and aren't getting good flow. 



We want to make sure your aortic valve, which is at the bottom of the aorta, is competent because the dissection can spread the aorta apart and make that valve leak. 



Also we want to get rid of that tear if we can because that will help our long-term survival and ideally we want to eliminate flow in the false lumen but with a type A dissection repair that's generally not an ultimate result.



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