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大動脈解離の治療における進展 ~B型解離の概要~

Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection




My name is Wesley Ohman and it's honestly an honor to be paired up with Dr. Moon, who taught me so much about what I'm going to be talking about in terms of management of type B aortic dissections in patients with genetically triggered arotopathies. 

Wesley Ohmanと申します。Moon先生とご一緒させていただくことができ、心から光栄に感じております。本日は遺伝性大動脈疾患の患者さんにおけるB型解離の管理についてお話させていただきます。内容の多くはMoon先生からご教示いただきました。


I have no financial disclosures although I am a co-PI for multiple trials looking at aortic endograft and I will be talking about that in a general sense.



I want to expand upon what Dr. Moon talked about in terms of some definitions as you, as we move forward or that you may hear in the clinical setting, one of which is the time course and that's what we talk about. Anything within the first two weeks from the event that sudden onset pain that Dr. Moon described is described as "Acute" and the reason we think that's important is that it's a fresh dissection, the intimal flap is incredibly viable and thin. You can see on the intravascular ultrasound picture, just how mobile it is with each beat of the heart and it doesn't take much from a force, sewing needle, grabbing it with a pair of forceps to really tear that.



At the other end of the spectrum anything greater than three months is considered "Chronic." In that mode that the mobility of the flap is greatly decreased and it's really started to scar down and it behaves much differently. 



And then "Subacute" is kind of in that 14 to 90 day window. 



Most importantly, when we talk about type B, the question is, "Is it complicated?" meaning "Are there downstream consequences?" 



The most feared complication is, of course, rupture because that's the one that carries the highest mortality associated with the disease process. 



There could be poor perfusion to any area of the body downstream. Dr. Moon mentioned the right upper extremity for type As. It can extend into the intestines, to the liver, to the kidneys, down to one leg. 



It can be interact.., associated with intractable pain so despite significant anti-impulse control or using a high dose of beta blockers through IV, you can still have intractable pain. We think those patients that are higher risk of progressing towards rupturing, a more significant event. 



Here's a slide, a still shot of that previous image showing that dissection flap extending out into one of the intestinal vessels and that's really the challenge for some of these dissections, is "how do we best manage them?"



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