
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

大動脈解離の治療における進展 ~B型解離の手術タイミング~

Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection




So when do we make the decision to go to the operating room? If it's an acute, malperfusion issue with solely a type B and they're relatively stable I want to be very clear ―― the gold standard still remains open surgery for type B dissections in patients who are stable, stable enough to undergo repair. 



Patients who dilate over time if you imagine you take that third layer or that, yeah, the third layer of the wall and tear it away you have two layers of strength and so you're going to dilate over time. Classically six centimeters is the absolute cutoff that we recommend to repair but that's individualized. If there's a sudden rate of growth, if there's patients who desire pregnancy there's a variety of factors that we take into account both as vascular surgeon, as cardiac surgeons, and cardiologists in terms of when to recommend going to the operating room.



So once that decision has been made the question, the immediate question is, "what is the problem I'm trying to solve at that moment in time" because there's always going to be downstream effects with the type B dissection. To Dr. Moon's point it's very, very rare that we solve the entire problem with the single operation. "Is it rupture?" "Is it the poor perfusion to a certain area of the body?" "Is there pain?" and all of that plays into, "Is this someone who potentially gets an open repair?" To Dr. Moon's point for, if you have liver or intestinal ischemia and you have certain markers on your lab pre-operatively, that's a sign that you have a poor outcome if you go to the operating room without that corrected and so there may be a role as we get more experience with this in terms of trying to fix that endovascularly using balloons or stents in advance of the definitive repair after the acute event is over and it all comes down to balancing the risk to the patient with the benefit they're going to get from that moment in time. 



We're not aiming for a home run all the time. We're trying to once again get the patient through an operation and through the hospital state with as little morbidity as possible and set them up for success over the long term. 



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