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Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection




So I know you you both do a surgery on adults, correct? and so some people are asking about some of this information pertains to children as well. Obviously in Marfan and Loeys-Dietz, there's teenagers who might need this. Can you comment on that at all?





Yes, we, we see a handful of patients every year with a more, a much more aggressive or malignant aortopathy. There's been a handful of patients in their teenage years that have undergone significant thoraco, thorax, and, or chest and abdomen aortic replacement even though they're not technically adults. I remember doing one when I was finishing training with Dr. Moon and one of my other partners. 


Dr. Ohman:



And so they're, they still require close follow-up with the pediatric cardiologists and the, Dr. Braverman can probably speak to the handoff between the pediatric and the, the adult cardiologist but for the most part a lot of the surgical triggers, criteria, techniques are roughly the same between the, the two. The grafts may be a little bit smaller. We may leave a little bit more redundancy in them to allow for future growth but the, the overall themes of trying to get the patient through the operating room and out of the hospital with an eye towards the future, even if that for, future maybe several decades longer, still applies. 



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