Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection
And I'm on the other end, Dr. Ohman, you talked about long-term surveillance after the surgery, so how frequently with what kind of imaging, you know, what do you recommend for your patients?
In the, in the very early period postoperatively or after the event whichever it may be, we typically get one scan at one month and as long as that look, or when they leave the hospital and then one month. If that looks roughly stable then we go to six months and if that looks stable and aorta's kind of proven that it's cooling down and it's not misbehaving and they're not having episodes of pain with exertion we may stretch that out to a year.
Dr. Ohman:
And one of the things we've started doing here particularly with patients in their 20s and 30s is that they can tolerate lying flat for an MRA or for a MRI of their aorta and MR aortogram that's where we go because there's no radiation, the con, it uses a different type of contrast, it doesn't stress the kidneys as much.
Dr. Ohman:
And so the the follow-up changes a little bit depending upon how stable the aorta is. Now if they've had a large jump in size we may say we're going to go to another month or we're going to go to three months. There's no absolute criteria that we use but to Dr. Moon's point it's more than just imaging. It's the history of the patient and their family as well as what they're exhibiting in between those points in time.
Dr. Ohman:
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