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Advances in the Treatment of Aortic Dissection





Does the dissection ever heal so that surgery isn't necessary or does it stabilize, does it ever heal?





So we do see, we see patients with chronic dissections patients that have survived a dissection but again, if you look at that old graph of survival after an acute dissection it's very rare without treatment but there are patients that do survive dissection. I, I, it's, it's unusual. What do you think Dr. Ohman?


Dr. Moon:



Going in, all going back, all the way to medical school in Houston, which also is a major aortic center, I've seen one patient with a type B dissection that we would consider completely healed with medical therapy and that's really, I think, the exception that proves the rule is that this is not a disease that reverses, this is a progressive disease with dilatation and it's all about preventing those downturn, downstream events for as long as possible with medical therapy.


Dr. Ohman:



Yeah, it certainly can stabilize though with good medical therapy. We, we have patients, we followed for 20 years whose type B dissections have not grown over time. 


Dr. Moon:



That's great. Do you want to add anything that, Alan?





The only thing I would add was, is that the variant known as intramural hematoma where there's bleeding in the wall. About half the cases it does stabilize and just like a hematoma or a bruise anywhere else it does resorb but those in connective tissue conditions are still fraught with concern but there, that's one that can heal or, or, or the false lumen can thrombose so it does seem to stabilize and, and may not progress as much if there's a big contained opening there but, but it usually is a lifelong illness.


Dr. Braverman:



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