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大動脈の画像検査 ~CT・造影CT~

Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered




Then the next technique I want to show are images of thoracic aorta but remember how the tissue is looking here. This is a non-contrast CT so there is no contrast that we have administered externally. The contrast you're getting between the tissues are because of differences in the tissues itself like this black area is air and this grayish area is tissue and the the thing I've measured is the aorta. 




Very frequently, this is, this may be one test that somebody gets for evaluation of lung, lungs or something else and they find out they have an aneurysm so this becomes like, almost like after an echo a screening test done for something else and serendipitously they find their aorta is kind of enlarged and then they get a contrast study after this. 




And how does a contrast study look? This is how it looks and I'm showing you images here of the aortic root in the sense that the level of the aortic valve right above it and how do we measure the aortic root by different techniques.




On the left panel are two different kinds of measurements these are standardized methods. One on top is what I usually use but one at the bottom is also used by physicians who repeatedly measure. As long as the technique of measurements is the same every time somebody gets scanned it's a reliable. On a CT you can see how well when you give contrast you can differentiate between one area of the aorta versus the heart and versus where the contrast is not there.




And on the right panel here you have the valve opened. You can see that here in this image here where my arrow is pointing, the valve is open. Sometimes we measure with the valve closed is the technique most people follow but some institutions follow with when they measure using the valve open. There are slight differences not a huge difference in measurements when this is done but as long as the repeated methods of measurements are the same it's, it's fine. 




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