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妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~着床前診断・出生前診断~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives




So changing gears and sort of talking about genetics and heritability. A bunch of people asked prior to the president the, this presentation, "what is the risk of me passing this on to my child?" So most of these conditions are autosomal dominant meaning that there's a 50 chance every time you have a child of passing this on to them. The most important thing if you want to do genetic testing either prior to the embryo or on the embryo during pregnancy or in the child you really want to know what the actual gene mutation or gene change is in this in the family of the affected person, so again that's really important. 




And the ways that we can do testing during pregnancy is on the embryo if it's sort of made in a dish. We can take a biopsy of the embryo and then implants an unaffected embryos either into the pregnant person or we can put it into another person, which would be a gestational carrier, and then during pregnancy we can do testing in the first trimester where we under ultrasound guidance take a sample of the placenta and the, or in the second trimester we can do an amniocentesis and we use a needle under ultrasound guidance to take fluid which has cells from the baby. 




With these tests during the pregnancy there's a small risk of loss, so with the chorionic villus sampling the risk of loss is about one in 300 and then in the second trimester the risk of loss of the pregnancy is about one in a thousand, and then testing can also be done on the baby after delivery and one of the other speakers is going to talk about that.




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