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妊娠・出産について(アメリカ・ヨーロッパの専門医の視点から) ~予防的大動脈基部手術の基準値~

Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives




So how can we reduce the risk? As I mentioned knowing the diagnosis is really, really paramount. Pre-pregnancy counseling as Melissa has nicely explained. Follow-up during pregnancy, which will be explained in the next talk. Beta blockers as already mentioned and then the topic of prophylactic surgery that I want to briefly address with you. 




So there's many, many papers and, and many guidelines that where this prophylactic surgery threshold is mentioned and according to a recent paper this is what was in the paper according to American guidelines, it is recommended to have elective surgery if your aorta exceeds four centimeters whereas in the ESC guidelines updated in, in 2018 Marfan women with a pre-partum aortic diameter should be considered for electric, elective aortic intervention but looking into the details of these guidelines so this is what is in the aortic guidelines from the American Association and this is what is literally states "If the progressive aortic dilatation and/or advancing aortic valve regurgitation are documented prophylactic surgery may be considered," so this is, is not a hard recommendation. It's maybe, maybe considered Class IIb indication and and they're not mentioning the diameter here. There's some mentioning of it in the text but there's no formal mentioning that above or below 40 millimeters you should have this, this surgery and this is what the ESC guidelines are saying so prophylactic surgeries should be considered during pregnancy so not before pregnancy if the aortic diameter is above 45 millimeters.




So I mean, there's, there's this notion of US having 40 millimeters and Europe having 45 millimeters but really I, I think there's, this very important gray zone that we should take into account and we should not fix or focus too much on these diameters. I think and and I, I think I agree with that with the other speakers as well that, that we should go for individualized decisions when counseling women to become pregnant and not focus too much on, on a number. 




And this is also illustrated here. This is a very recent publication on pregnancy in women with cardiovascular disease and you can see that according to the, the underlying condition but according to other factors the numbers that you see in this table: 40, 45, above 40 and then here 42 and, but there's statements in, in that table no diameter is truly safe and no well-established guidelines, so you can see that we should not really fix on, on, on, on, on, on, on numbers, and, and, and look at each patient on an individual basis.




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