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Family Planning and Pregnancy: US and Europe Perspectives





Do you have any women with Marfan who have also received a mechanical heart valve and are on blood thinners carrying a baby to term? You want to take that? Julie is nodding. Do you have an answer for that? 



機械弁となったマルファン症候群の女性で、抗凝固療法を続けながら出産する方はいらっしゃるのでしょうか?De Backer先生がうなずいていらっしゃいますね。回答お願いします。



Yes, I mean I can, I can answer. We have had women with mechanical valves going on Marfan disease going through pregnancy. As has been mentioned by by Melissa in her talk this needs to be addressed ahead of pregnancy.  


Dr. De Backer:



There's, there's the detrimental effects of, of, the, of the anticoagulants that are needed in women with mechanical valves but there's, there's, algorithms, there's schemes that we can use for that purpose. What is important to know is that the teratogenics or the, the negative effect on a fetus is dose-dependent, so women who can have proper anticoagulation on relatively lower doses of, of anticoagulants can actually continue being on, on, on, on their regular anticoagulant regimen. 


Dr. De Backer:



And in those women who need or who require higher doses of, of anticoagulants in the initial phase of pregnancy you will need to switch, so you will and there's options, there's, there's options to go for low-molecular-weight heparins, which are known to be less effective in avoiding thrombosis but still, I mean, if, there's a balance that you need to make there but it is, it is possible and what is important if, if there's a switch needed for low-molecular-weight heparin so these are, these are the the injections that you get, so, so I don't know, we, we have Fraxiparine, I don't know if the names are similar in, in other countries whatever. These are the the small injections that you need and what is important is that the, the, the dose is monitored so you need to monitor the level of, of, of, of the, the injections regularly and this is also according to schemes. 


Dr. De Backer:



But it, it, well, the short answer to the question is yes. It is possible to go through pregnancy with a mechanical valve. It's, it's high risk, definitely but it is possible.


Dr. De Backer:



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