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運動に関する最新研究 ~血管に関する基礎知識~

Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research




So as a bit of background this is a cartoon of a blood vessel wall like the aorta or another blood vessel and if, the thin lining layer is called the intima an endothelial cells and then the media, the middle layer, is of the blood vessel wall, is enriched with elastic tissue that gives the elasticity, the distensibility of the aortic wall that allows that pressure wave of the pulse propagating down to dissipate that force and then the outer layer has collagen that's called the adventitia and the abnormality in most with heritable thoracic disease involves the media with abnormalities of the elastic tissue. Vascular EDS has abnormalities of the collagen. 




The normal array of the elastic fibers in this microscopic view of a blood vessel wall are these wavy dark lines and you can imagine these are all parallel sheets of elastic tissue that allow the force of the aortic wall to be dispersed in this tissue. 




And this on the right is degeneration of elastic tissue where they're frayed in an example of the most severe example of cystic medial degeneration, so again the abnormality of the blood vessel wall, which can occur, doesn't accommodate the increased wall stress that occurs with intense physical activity that associates with high blood pressure, so that's why exercise is really guide toward more modest activity that doesn't associate with those sort of blood pressure changes.




When we think about the aorta and as for example an exercise it could look normal in somebody with an aortopathy so their risk would be different for that individual as opposed to this enlarged aorta that looks pear-shaped which would have a much different risk with different levels of physical activity and then after an aortic dissection, a tear in the wall of aorta, the risk to the aortic wall is different yet still and there's, there's emerging information about safety in physical activity in this condition and this is something we're very interested in because people can live long lives after aortic dissection




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