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運動に関する最新研究 ~運動の分類~

Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research




And those may differ again depending on what condition one has. Imagine somebody with significant eye features versus somebody with skeletal features, so exercise activity and restrictions and recommendations will be different whether the eyes involved, the skeletons involved, the lungs are involved or the heart's involved in many different ways, so we have to consider all these features to come up with a holistic approach to exercise recommendations. 




But certain principles do hold for all and they're based upon the exercise physiology, so exercise can be broken into a dynamic that's where muscles move like these individuals walking, so muscles lengthen and contract, blood vessels move, blood vessels, sorry, muscles move, blood vessels dilate and this associates with really a very modest change in blood pressure for most when done under low and moderate pace. 




As opposed to this woman who's doing intense weight training with a very high amount of weight. She's straining to lift this and muscles contract, they don't move. There's vasoconstriction so this associates with a much higher blood pressure, so that load on the aorta is much different when one exercise is at the highest level where you're grunting and bearing down and straining yourself as opposed to doing things recreationally at a low pace.




And the same thing goes when we think about exercise and physical activity with regard to participating in competition. If you're a competitive athlete by definition you have to train and you have to do your best for your own sake or that of the team, so you naturally put yourself to the highest limit like these women are doing to try to win or get your best time whereas recreational athletics, athletics are non-competitive and associated with fitness and fun. They're good for us mentally, physically for lots of reasons but they're more light and moderate and associated with, with really very little risk for most individuals. 




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