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運動に関する最新研究 ~子どもを対象とした運動プログラムに関する研究~

Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research




Great, yes, so the first study I'd like to discuss is a pilot study from the Netherlands, again involving children ages 6 to 18 years old, primarily with the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome but there were some as you can see with with vascular EDS and Loeys-Dietz. 




The training they put these children through a training regimen with a trainer that consisted of high intensity or power training for 12 weeks, three times a week, in 45-minute sessions and I wasn't able from the abstract to understand exactly what the, what the sessions consisted of but they were not all the same. It depended upon the individual's physical ability. There was an assessment and then each, each program was standard, was, was crafted for the patient's capacity and, and goals. The feasibility of this approach was measured by the percent of sessions that were attended. They were looking again at 36 total sessions and they asked the children and the parents separately to rate the effects of the sessions. The physical function was measured at the beginning and end to assess the training effects. Next slide please.




Though they reported that of these 10 children 9 out of 10 completed at least 90 percent of the training sessions, there were no adverse events which they defined as anything that would require medical attention or stopping the exercise program. An 8 out of 10 achieved children did achieve their training goals stated at the first session. Parents and children both rated the training program as very feasible and they did show that their physical function scores on these standardized performance evaluations at the beginning and end did improve significantly as they were hypothesizing. The next slide.




So the conclusion of this pilot study again with a very small, small number of kids is that this high intensity training program is feasible and did improve physical functioning over a short time 12 weeks in children with heritable connective tissue conditions. The numbers are really too small to conclude that the exercises are completely safe, again these, this is high intensity and so it may not be appropriate for many kids who have musculoskeletal or other impairments to, to these kinds of activities and there were also no standardized criteria for their participation. They simply required the permission of their cardiologist, so with that in mind it is a useful first step but there's a long way to go to make this more standardizable and, in larger populations. 




So in this group from Stanford University in California the question was can a simple intervention to increase the amount, number of steps a day that individuals with Marfan syndrome take slow aortic root dilation over a period of six months, so this was a prospective study of a six months program and 24 children, 14 boys and 10 girls, 8-19 years old with Marfan syndrome and they compared them to age-matched controlled Marfan patients who did not receive the intervention but went to the same clinics at Stanford.




So the intervention consisted of, of cues over these, over smartphones and, and through periodic visits for them to take 10,000 steps per day. Each of the children was given an activity tracker where they could log their steps and of course the study team had access to their their data. The primary outcome between, beginning of the study in six months was the rate of change in their aortic root Z scores, again looking to see if the individuals who were exercising actually had slower aortic dilation similar to that Marfan mouse study that I showed you. The next slide. 




So the results were at baseline they of course found that most children were relatively sedentary and that's consistent with the, with the data that Alan reported, however 22 out of 24 did complete the intervention for the six months and those that did walked an average of 7,700 steps per day. They wore their activity trackers on 93 of all possible days and they did find that there was a significant decrease in the aortic root z-score in the change between zero and six months in the group that had the exercise intervention compared to the sedentary controls, which didn't really change at all, so this is very encouraging, however it is not, it is not definitive because again it's a small number and there were lots of other factors that could have played a role. Next slide.




The conclusion was, however, that a simple activity intervention in children did appear to be feasible and may be effective to decrease the aortic dilation rate. They are planning to verify this in a randomized controlled trial because it's not clear if the children who are studied as controls may have had different characteristics than the individuals who did participate in the activity since this was not randomized and they were using individuals in different circumstances, so next.




So in a similar vein there was a pilot study on the effects of moderate intensity exercise in a program on children and young adults with Marfan syndrome. This was at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and so this was a prospective study of an eight-week supervised moderate intensity exercise protocol similar to what we do with an adult with, with adults but in children and teenagers ages 12 to 21. There were only seven patients enrolled. There were five of them were, were women with the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome and, and most of these exercise sessions were held virtually due to the pandemic. The primary outcome was the change in their capacity of, to do exercise is assessed by standardized tests at the beginning and end of the of the study. They also measured heart function and mental health using questionnaires. Next slide. 




As a result, they, they tried to hold in-person exercise sessions but they switched in middle, in the middle of the study to virtual due to non-attendance. This was in the early stages of the pandemic, so all, all seven patients in the protocol did end up completing the virtual exercise sessions for eight weeks. There, they did note that the exercise capacity increased and their systolic blood pressure decreased between the beginning and end of the study. They, they there was no change in aortic root z-scores in the group that, you know, over the, over the time but it was a very short trial as I said only eight weeks and it was a very small number of participants so that's not surprising. Next slide. 




In conclusion the moderate exercise did appear to be safe and well tolerated. There were no adverse events that caused people to quit or injured, injuries did not occur. They did show that exercise improved cardiovascular fitness in standardized tests but we're not able to show that it, that it improved aortic root dilation, however, they did not measure aortic root enlargement during the study, either. They may not have been able to show a change because the patients were older and the intervention was shorter compared to the previous study that I talked about. 




I'm going to end with the last abstract from the sessions in Paris, so an exercise research and Oliver Milleron and his group from the hospital in Paris. He shared some of his slides with this. This is a very interesting approach, so they have developed over the last three years a web-based tool, so they look at the kids in primary school and examine them, look at their physical characteristics and then look at what sort of exercise is prescribed for the children in the school and then they rate those depending upon what you might expect blood pressure and in particular blood pressure response and it can differ in men, sorry, girls and boys and then they give a checklist and recommendation for yes or no or in and this and then the parents can choose to use this if they wish to help with the activities that are part of the school.


Science in Parisで公開された論文の紹介はこちらで最後にします。Oliver Milleron先生の研究グループによる非常に興味深いアプローチです。研究グループは直近の3年を費やし、オンラインツールを開発しました。一方、小学校児童の身体的特徴および学校で行われている運動を調べ、想定される血圧、特に血圧の変化に基づき、これらの運動をランク分けしました。血圧変化は男女で異なる可能性があります。さらに、推奨される運動のチェックリストを作成し、お子さんが学校で行う運動について親御さんが選べるようにしました。


So the skeletal features like how hypermobile they are, do they have certain limitations that might impact the type of physical activities based on their phenotype, do they have certain eye features which might affect levels of exercise, and they also look at different genotypes, do they have the FBN1 Marfan gene or do they have genes in the Loeys-Dietz family and that might predict different responses for different levels of physical activity and then they thought about what's the skeletal effect and what's blood pressure response and they use of standard data sets based on age and predicted responses. They didn't actually measure the blood pressures in the kids. They just use what would be expected so probably a more practical approach for large groups when they're thinking about this. 




But still this is what it kind of looks like, so of course this is in French for our French reading audience and then they have like mid distance running, the hurdle, and other things like that and then what sort of response, Level 1: no or minimal increase in blood pressure would be expected; Level 2: mild, and Level 3: sustained and high increase in blood pressure, the sort of thing that Dr. Prakash talked about earlier in, in the exercise tests and some of the exercise protocols in some of the patients he was seeing, so Level 3s were recommended against and then Levels 1s and 2s were dependent upon the person, their age, and the type of activity. 




So they use this tool for the kids and then they generate the report and then they, it's really very yes or no, so again not a lot of gray areas for some of this and that can be kind of problematic for some and how to adapt that but still I think it's a useful way of thinking about this that might be helpful for some. We don't have such a thing at our institution and not, not all people use this in, in Paris but they've generated 168, that's 165 such reports in the last three years. 




And here might be one of them, so for instance, you know, Aerobic "OUI" so that's YES, so here's I can't imagine why badminton is "NON" but it's NO, so that must be some a person for which badminton is not recommended, basketball "NON" etc., so this is a sort of paperwork that's generated for a school level child through their clinic, so trying to be helpful and to try to individualize the exercise recommendations, emphasizing what is OUI for the individual so they can participate in physical activity because it's important. 




The Marfan Foundation did not participate in the translation of these materials and does not in any way endorse them. If you are interested in this topic, please refer to our website, Marfan.org, for materials approved by our Professional Advisory Board.

The Marfan Foundation は、当翻訳には関与しておらず、翻訳内容に関してはいかなる承認も行っておりません。このトピックに興味をお持ちの方は、Marfan.org にアクセスし、当協会の専門家から成る諮問委員会が承認した内容をご参照ください。