
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。

運動に関する最新研究 ~ 2022 ACC/AHA 大動脈ガイドライン~

Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research




I'll end my discussion with just one slide from the 2022 ACC/AHA guidelines on the diagnosis of management of aortic disease, which was published this last week and for the first time in these aortic guidelines it's listed what some of the recommendations are for physical activity and quality of life and, and I think they're reading from our playbook, which is really, really wonderful. 




So people with significant aortic disease, education and guidance should be provided about avoiding intense isometric exercise, burst exercise and collision, so yes, we want to talk about that and then we want to move on. For people who have had surgery for aneurysm or dissection again for the first time post-operative cardiac rehabilitation is being recommended and that's going to really help with payers and insurance and all the things that we want to improve quality of life and exercise tolerance and again exercise prescriptions are here for those with thoracic and abdominal aneurysms and again emphasizing whose blood pressure is adequately controlled, it's reasonable to encourage 30 to 60 minutes of mild to moderate aerobic exercise several days a week and to screen for quality of life issues, mental health issues and provide support to optimize this.


ガイドラインの項目をみていきましょう。重度の大動脈疾患をお持ちの患者さんでは、激しい等尺性運動、急激な変化を伴う運動、衝突を避けるよう、教育や指導をおこなう ―― まさにその通りです。動脈瘤や大動脈解離の手術を受けた患者さんでは、術後の心臓リハビリが推奨される ―― これは術後の初回リハビリのことですが、保険適応となる点やQOLの向上、運動耐性の観点から有益です。また、運動に関する推奨事項として、胸部・腹部動脈瘤のある患者さんで、血圧が十分にコントロールされているのであれば、1週間に数日、運動強度が軽~中程度の有酸素運動を一回30~60分程度行うことが推奨される、および、QOLメンタルヘルスに影響する問題に目を向け、必要であればサポートを提供する、となっています。


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