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Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research




Is there anything, any particular blood pressure monitor that you'd recommend people use during exercise?




Yeah, so that's, that's a frequent question we get. The, the problem with measuring blood pressure during exercise is that it does require some training and it, it sometimes requires a spotter particularly if you're running on a treadmill or you're doing something that requires your concentration and focus. 




That, it can be you can get misleading results from because of the fact that your, your arm is not perfectly still even if you're using the other arm, if you're straining, if your breathing changes all of that can distort the reading and so it does take some practice and I don't encourage most people to measure their blood pressure during exercise for that reason. 




Before and after exercise yes but not necessarily during exercise and it's not really because of the type of cuff or the technology it's just the fact that it is somewhat complicated to do and by itself. It can be quite anxiety provoking in people particularly if you're getting readings you don't expect. My, my feeling, I don't know, I think Alan mentioned that as well, is it's better to go with how you're feeling during the exercise, how much effort you're putting in rather than a specific number per se either heart rate or blood pressure. Alan, do you want to comment on that? 




Oh, I agree completely. 




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