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Exercise and Marfan, LDS, and VEDS: The Latest Research




And then some ask about one doing isometric exercise and I've been doing it for years and, and so the person that does push-ups and sit-ups and things like that, you know, that are can be very intense isometric if you're not in condition, so you can imagine if you've not done a push-up before even doing five of them might be a tremendous load on you. If you're doing these and you've done these for a long time and doing 10 or 20 push-ups doesn't have any muscle fatigue. You can imagine that your blood pressure is probably not growing up very much during that and that would probably be very safe for that individual because they have that sort of muscle condition, so again the way you feel with it and so I think doing light and moderate aerobic exercise is certainly important and I also think doing the same in isometric is important as long as you're not reaching muscle fatigue and straining yourself. Very, very important.




And some ask questions about, you know, well how do you incorporate the joint abnormally, the ligament looseness, you know, sprains and strains that's super important, so for some, you know, when you say, "Well, 10,000 steps would be a problem because I have foot problem, I have, you know, very flat feet or I have ankles that are a problem," so for, for you and you might choose swimming or walking in the water or riding a bicycle or doing something that involves the arm movement and leg movement that doesn't involve your ankles as much, so it does have to be very individualized and working with the proper physical therapist for instance or exercise person or your own doctor, primary doctor, nurse to think about what doesn't hurt when you do. It, it's very important. 




Yeah, I would like to emphasize what, what Alan said about resistance training, is something that is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and that is because it affects things like bone density and it be, if you're, if you're a sedentary you, your bone density will decrease and that puts you at risk for fractures later in life, which can be extremely painful and debilitating. Also, it can improve your posture because it will strengthen the muscles that support your spine, for instance, so if you have chronic pain it may actually help prevent future complications. I do think we should be educating about responsible resistance training as a way to improve musculoskeletal health in people with connective tissue disorders and, and, and there are ways to do that at light to moderate intensity without compromising blood pressure as we've shown in our, in our subjects at in Houston. 




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