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大動脈の画像検査 ~各種MRAによる大動脈撮影~

Aortic Imaging: Your Questions Answered




How is it done on MRI, which is MRA, MRA is a form of MRI but it's just magnetic resonance angiography where you give contrast and you can basically image the aortic root like here and the measurements are done this way. You can already see a little difference here. There is a little bit of less resolution going from one tissue to the other, so you can tell that CT has better spatial resolution than MRA definitely but advantage of MRA is like this, valve that's opening and closing, you can see that really well in MRA because this this image can be acquired. The good news is there's no radiation here, less radiation. If you were to acquire this moving image of the valve like this on CT you will end up giving a lot of radiation but the spatial resolution is in the sense that the resolution of the image is slightly low. 




So how, one important thing about MRA, what are the advantages? You can have natural tissue resolution in the sense that this is an example of a aorta imaging that's done by MRA without giving contrast, without giving radiation and no iv, so this patient of mine who walks in who basically gets serial follow-up imaging. They just come in, they get this image and they go home. There is no iv, no radiation, no contrast, so MRA is very good if this technique is used for gating with good breath hold. You can get this image on some patients, so in someone, who is having young with serial follow-up imaging you may imagine this would be a good technique to use. 




The next one is a contrast-enhanced MR Angiogram where you can see what ends up happening is here the same MR, MRA, angiogram of the thoracic aorta is done with contrast that's given to the patient and you can, you acquire the images of the aorta with the contrast and you can acquire multiple images with MRA because there is no radiation you can keep acquiring images multiple times to get more images of the aorta or the other vascular structures with ???.




And this is an example of a gated MRA where we acquired just the aorta. You can see there is an aneurysm in the ascending aorta that can be shown, so gating technique can be used when you want high resolution imaging with MRA.




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