Aging with a Connective Tissue Condition
Now let's take a minute and just look at the big factors in heart disease because we're going to experience these ourselves. So heart attack is a big cause of death, complications of high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation (many of you have dealt with this), and valvular disease. So these are the big things in heart disease that can cause death.
The heart attack is when a coronary artery undergoes a rupture of a vulnerable plaque and fills with a blood clot. You can calculate your future risk of having a heart attack with a risk calculator that the American Heart Association uses and we use it. When I see a patient in the office, I do use this calculator and tell them, "Well, you actually have an 8% risk of having a heart attack over the next 10 years, but we can modify that by giving you a statin medication and make some reduction in that risk." So you can use tools like this.
Now one of the things you'll hear me say repeatedly is self-care, turns out in order to live healthier self-care is at least as important as medical care. Remember those modifiable things: you can improve your diet, you can increase your level of physical activity, you can avoid smoking, and either eliminate or reduce alcohol use and extend your lifespan just by doing these things. Of course, sometimes you need medication. Controlling blood pressure sometimes involves some personal health behaviors like losing weight, but you often do need medication and with the same way, if you can't control your lipids through diet, which is hard to do, then you might need to take a statin.
Now I'm going to take just a second, because heart attack is so common, to remind you that there are typical heart attack symptoms where you're at home and all of a sudden you get a squeezing, bad central chest pain - that's your heart attack occurring. But sometimes the symptoms are a little atypical; it might be shortness of breath, sometimes it's an aching in the jaw. When I remember when my dad had his heart attack at age 88, he called me on the phone and his arms felt heavy, but he wasn't having any chest discomfort.
And the reason I'm reviewing this with you is because if you don't do anything right away, you run a high risk of experiencing sudden death from an arrhythmia. That's why they have defibrillators and portable defibrillators everywhere. So when you have this, you don't wait and see what happens or have a family member drive you to the emergency room - you call 911 so you get the right prehospital care.
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