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Entries from 2024-04-01 to 1 month

マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜最後のまとめ〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome 54:54-57:10 So let's go go back to the take-home messages. What I would like to to convey is that there is now a very substantial evidence base for good medical treatment for patients with Marfan syndr…

マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜トリプタン系製剤〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome 53:29-54:53 This is a bit more controversial perhaps. There are a group of medications called triptans. These are used for migraine and usually used as, as an acute treatment. They're not used for prev…

マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜カルシウム拮抗薬〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome 52:14-53:28 The, the next thing I want to bring to your attention is that there are medications called calcium channel blockers. These are medications like verapamil, diltiazem, things like that. They'…

マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜フルオロキノロン系抗菌薬〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome 48:55-52:09 I'm going to just talk about a couple of other issues now. There is and the, in particular I want to talk about the medications that we should not be giving and I'm sorry I'm running a bit …

マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜ここまでのまとめ〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome 48:17-48:54 So I'm now going to just skip forward and just draw some conclusions from the trials. So angiotensin receptor blockers reduce the rate of aortic growth in Marfan syndrome. The effects of AR…

マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜ARBとβ遮断薬の大動脈イベントに対する効果について〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome 44:21-48:07 I'm just going to go back and say that we were able to explore, you know, one of the questions was, you know, was there evidence that these medications reduced the rate of tearing of the ao…

マルファン症候群の薬物管理 〜ARBとβ遮断薬の比較〜

Medical Management of Marfan Syndrome 42:43-44:20 And then, we, then went on to look at trials where they had compared angiotensin receptor blockers with beta blockers. This is a different kind of trial. ARB versus beta blockers head-to-he…