
米国マルファン症候群患者団体The Marfan Foundationからの情報を中心に、マルファン症候群や関連疾患についての海外情報を翻訳して発信します。



LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now 1:09:38-1:11:01 Q:Any thoughts on neuropathy in Loeys-Dietz syndrome and/or, you know, how they impact pain management? LDSでの神経障害について教えてください。痛みの管理法に影響はあるのでしょうか? A:Yeah, so I…

LDSガイドラインの改訂に向けて ~神経学的所見と脳脊髄液漏出症について~

LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now 54:34-57:35 In 2014 we did talk about kind of neurological issues. In the first reports of Loeys-Dietz syndrome we had some cases of individuals with intellectual disability, however, we think this is really re…

マルファン症候群をはじめから ~心臓以外の所見のフォロー・治療~

Marfan Syndrome Management: Back to Basic 19:14-20:23 And what about non-cardiac surveillance and treatment? 心臓以外の所見に関する検査と治療について説明します。 We recommend serial ophthalmology evaluations in children. It's every year. I…

大動脈弓手術について ~反回神経麻痺~

Surgery Series: Aortic Arch (2/22/21) 50:50-52:34 And with that the left recurrent laryngeal nerve, which hopefully you guys can see this pointer, but off the vaso, vegus the left recurrent laryngeal nerve wraps around the arch and it usua…


Covid and Aortic Conditions: The Latest Research 1:05:37-1:07:22 Q:There's a general COVID question but can one of you speak to neurological issues caused by COVID? COVIDに関する一般的な質問です。COVIDで起こる神経学的な疾患について説明をお…


Managing Pain 39:34-40:22 Q:How about peripheral neuropathy? Is that, you consider, that a pain problem I am a little bit familiar with it, is it more common in Marfan or something that, um a lot of people complain about who have Marfan sy…


はじめに マルファン症候群の硬膜拡張で一般的にみられる症状は? マルファン症候群の硬膜拡張の治療法は? はじめに The nervous system—the brain and spinal column—are surrounded by fluid contained in a membrane called the dura, which is primaril…