Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 44:00-48:06 Q: For the shared decision making, it would be helpful to know, uh, to better, to know, excuse me, to know better estimates of …
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 39:20-41:15 Q: And then what about musical instruments? My middle school LDS1 child was just told no wind instruments. 楽器についてはどうで…
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 13:02-15:02 And so for all of these slides, what we do is we basically provide a framework for how to manage patients, and this framework n…
Applying AHA's 2024 Scientific Statement: Navigating Diagnosis & Management of Pediatric Aortopathy 9:30-11:30 So just to give some highlights, this is big picture taking a step back of the Imaging table here. We'll do a zoom up, but the I…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 49:38-51:39 Q: You mentioned that steroids could be harmful for bones. Do the benefits outweigh risks if using steroids to treat asthma or EoE? ステロイドを服用すると骨への悪影響の可能性があるというお話があ…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 46:23-47:56 Q: Can EoE be triggered hours after exposure to the allergen? Is that different than a long-term symptom onset? I think I'm not exactly sure how the question... maybe you understand what they're …
Navigating GI Management in LDS 42:52-45:03 Q: Is there a correlation between LDS and malabsorption? LDSと吸収不良との間に関連はありますか? A: Malabsorption is when your body cannot appropriately absorb all the nutrients you're eating. Th…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 39:40-41:46 Q: Doctors are quick to recommend NSAIDs for different problems related to inflammation that is seen in people with connective tissue conditions, people with LDS. However, we understand that chro…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 35:31-39:28 Q: I will say that there are a couple of themes coming up. One is about medication management and EoE, another's on like EoE. So I'm going to just try and sort through these and go through them i…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 34:06-35:01 So, a summary and then I'm happy to take questions. では、まとめです。後ほど質問にお答えします。 BMI should be looked at at every visit. Proper nutrition can lead to a faster recovery from surger…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 32:58-34:05 Other anatomic issues which we've seen in Loeys-Dietz syndrome - these are rare events, so I can't conclusively say at this point that these are more likely to occur in Loeys-Dietz syndrome, only…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 30:15-32:57 So last subject is just some anatomic considerations. Hernias tend to be very common in LDS. There are hernias like, for example, where you've had a surgery where there's been an incision in the …
Navigating GI Management in LDS 27:42-30:12 So the last thing in terms of... oh, there are a couple of other things. One of them is disorders of gut-brain interaction or functional GI disorders, and I want to talk about this because this i…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 24:42-27:40 Another type of intestinal inflammation that is more common in people with LDS is something called inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Inflammatory bowel diseases occur when your white blood cells …
Navigating GI Management in LDS 21:54-24:40 Let's talk about some inflammation. So I talked about the fast allergy; there's a slow motion food allergy that can occur in the lining of the intestines. This is eosinophilic GI disease. The mos…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 18:39-21:51 I'm gonna take some time to talk about food allergies here, so there's two kinds of food allergies. This first kind of food allergy I'm going to talk about is an anaphylactic or IgE-mediated food…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 12:25-18:38 We're going to talk about constipation a little bit. This is super common in people with connective tissue disorders. Well, it's super common in general, but in people with connective tissue diso…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 8:24-12:23 So how does nutrition feed into bone health? People with Loeys-Dietz Syndrome have weak bones, we think. This is part of the Loeys-Dietz syndrome. About one-third of adults and about two-thirds of…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 5:22-8:23 So when should we think about supplementation? Again, if someone is dropping percentiles, that last graph I showed you, if someone is less than the 10th percentile for their body mass index or thei…
Navigating GI Management in LDS 1:53-5:18 In terms of nutrition, growth is frequently impaired in people with LDS. There's an increased baseline caloric expenditure if the person has significant food allergies, but those food allergies may…
Aging with a Connective Tissue Condition 2:09-3:25 I'm going to start with just talking about a patient I saw recently in my clinic. This lady is 56 and has Loeys-Dietz syndrome. She feels well. She had imaging of the chest done for anothe…
Insights on Ocular Management for Marfan Syndrome 38:38-40:04 Q: Are there any risk factors for cataract surgery for people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome? ロイス・ディーツ症候群の白内障手術では、どのようなリスク因子がありますか? A: Yeah, it’s…
Women's Health: Beyond Family Planning 8:25-11:07 I just wanted to give a quick overview at the beginning about different contraceptive medications and whether or not they're safe for patients with certain medical conditions. We use guidel…
Women's Health: Beyond Family Planning 5:23-8:15 So with this webinar we're going to be talking really about Loeys-Dietz syndrome, talking about a gynecological issues, we're going to overview some common problems and then discuss potentia…
Surgical Thresholds for Root and Ascending Aortic Replacement in Loeys- Dietz Syndrome Hi, I'm Alan Braverman. I'm the director of the Marfan syndrome and aortopathy center at Washington University in St Louis school of medicine and on beh…
Surgical Thresholds for Root and Ascending Aortic Replacement in Loeys- Dietz Syndrome Hi, I'm Alan Braverman. I'm the director of the Marfan syndrome and aortopathy center at Washington University in St Louis school of medicine and on beh…
動脈瘤・解離の管理Vascular Surgery 3:29-5:23 You've seen this picture. This is from Gustavo Oderich's paper where a few years ago he talked about the distribution of arteriopathy in vascular EDS and then on the right hand side is our paper…
LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now 1:13:55-1:16:15 Q:Any evidence of prevalence of autoimmune conditions with Loeys-Dietz syndrome like rheumatoid arthritis or other immunity, I guess, autoimmune conditions? LDSでは、関節リウマチのような自己免疫…
LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now 1:09:38-1:11:01 Q:Any thoughts on neuropathy in Loeys-Dietz syndrome and/or, you know, how they impact pain management? LDSでの神経障害について教えてください。痛みの管理法に影響はあるのでしょうか? A:Yeah, so I…
LDS Guidelines: Then vs. Now 1:04:25-1:07:52 Q:Kind of along the lines of medication in that first question or that first slide we were talking about non-penetrance. Can you talk a little bit just about your thought process when you're cou…