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Navigating GI Management in LDS





I will say that there are a couple of themes coming up. One is about medication management and EoE, another's on like EoE. So I'm going to just try and sort through these and go through them in an order that'll help flow nicely. There are a couple of questions about biologics which you did mention, and people asking, you know, if they are at a place where they are being prescribed biologics, they've exhausted other options. Do you have a sense of what works well for patients with LDS and Crohn's? And then if you could also explain a bit more about the process for biologic medications, and if you have a name of a medication that people might want to bring up, that would be great.





So right now we do not have a separate treatment algorithm for people with Loeys-Dietz syndrome. One of the big issues with treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, so Crohn's and ulcerative colitis, whether or not you have Loeys-Dietz syndrome, is we currently do not have a good way to predict which medicine is going to work for which person. We just don't have it. Lots of people are working very hard to do that, but we don't have it.




Biologic medications come in different classes. So what do we mean when we say a biologic? When we say a biologic, we mean it's an antibody. White blood cells, when they get excited, release little signaling molecules, and those signaling molecules excite the other white blood cells around them. These different signaling molecules have different names: TNF alpha, IL-17, IL-23. The names aren't terribly important, but what these antibodies that you get either by a shot or by an infusion where they put an IV in and they drip the medicine in that way is this antibody go into your body and bind up all of the signaling molecules to prevent the white blood cells from exciting each other.




If you get a TNF alpha inhibitor and for you, your disease is primarily driven by the white blood cells sending out too much TNF alpha, it's going to work great for you. If that's not what's driving your disease, that's not going to help. There are many biologics now working on many different pathways. If you've tried, you know, if you've had to switch once or maybe twice, that's actually not terribly uncommon.




If you have really severe disease and nothing is working, I'm happy to talk with your provider about other medicines we've tried in Loeys-Dietz syndrome that seem to work and, based on the pathway, we think are a good idea to try. But for right now, in terms of sort of what medicines your doctor is picking, I don't have any evidence to say that they should pick this over the other. There are lots of really good choices out there.




The biologic for EoE - and I'm seeing other questions about this - just want to talk about biologics. The biologic for EoE, that's dupilumab. It blocks another signaling molecule that works with - that's been approved for EoE. So that's an IL-4. There's - I see something about an IL-5. The IL-4, the dupilumab, is the only medication, biologic, that's been shown to work for eosinophilic esophagitis.




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